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about the creator . . .

  • name : you may hear my personal friends call me ash, but if we don't know each other well enough, please call me ari!

  • pronouns : she/her, it/its, and ny/nym (pronounced like he/him) although i am nonbinary, please refrain from using they/them on me, and masculine terms. i also prefer no honorifics, but "ms." is okay if necessary!

  • birthday : december 30 (♑︎ sun, ♈︎ moon, ♐︎ rising.) i prefer to keep my exact age private, but i am an adult. i am not comfortable being friends with minors, nor am i comfortable being treated like a mother figure.

  • some things i like : animals, creating stuff in general, desserts, fashion, performing arts, and psychological horror!

  • some things i don't like : being broke. give me your money.

personal views . . .

if you support or tolerate anything on this list, i suggest you do not interact with me or my community, as we would probably not get along very well. i am open to civil discussion or debate for some of these topics depending on my mood, but in general, please refrain from starting petty arguments with me. i'll most likely ignore or block you.

  • racism, colorism, xenophobia, islamophobia, antisemitism, and zionism. we are all human and deserve the same rights regardless of race, ethnicity, and cultural background. i am very anti-genocide and violence.

  • homophobia, transphobia, and neopronoun/xenogender hate(!!!). i am an AFAB nonbinary (girlflux) polyamorous bisexual who uses neopronouns. i do not believe you need to undergo medical surgery to be trans. be who you truly are!

  • misogyny/transmisogyny and sexism in general, extending to pro-life/anti-choice ideology. i am very open about women's rights as i am a woman myself. and although i believe men cannot be oppressed compared to women, i am very open to talking about how men's mental health issues and trauma often get underdiagnosed or overlooked. i do not support misandry, although i may lightly joke about it sometimes.

  • ableism and anti-recovery. i believe strongly researched self diagnosis and harm reduction methods are completely valid. i am also very critical about thinspo and proana content.

  • sexualization, fetishization, and romanticism of minors, LBGTQ+ identities, incest, and mental illness or self harm. lolicon is not okay, lesbians/gays in real life are not your porn categories, incest is never excusable, and symptoms of mental illness are not cute or attractive.

  • use of slurs that you cannot reclaim yourself pretty self explanatory.

      to be upfront, i am professionally diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses, most notably, borderline personality disorder. although i am very open to talking about my personal experiences with mental health struggles for educational purposes, please do not use that as an open door to making me your therapist, as some topics may unintentionally trigger me into an episode. i am happy to listen to rants and vents about surface level problems, but if you need professional help, or are contemplating self harm or suicide, i highly suggest reaching out to mental health professionals, not me.

me with my baby, cleo! she was adopted on september 10, 2023, one day before the anniversary of the american tragedy. i have another cat named chompie who was adopted on february 17, 2024. cleo is a brown tabby, and chompie is a light orange tabby.

in the background of some of my videos/streams, you might have seen or heard my two other childhood cats: kitty and gaia. gaia was my white shorthair that ran away back in june 2022, and kitty was my black shorthair who passed in august 2023.

background . . .

once upon a time in san diego, california, my mom popped out a baby with 100% filipino blood running through her veins and i guess that baby turned out to be me. i had a childhood full of playing video games with friends, overworking myself academically, and eating lots of yummy filipino food.

      as a kid growing up alongside the burst of the internet's popularity worldwide, i have always looked up very fondly to youtubers and dreamt of being one myself. in 2012, i created my first youtube account, only posting (cringe) art speedpaints which somehow brought over 1 milion views to my channel. that channel has since been converted into a gaming-centric channel. in 2017, i created my second youtube account, which currently acts as my primary channel where i post music, art, and gaming videos. also in 2017 is when i started streaming occasionally on youtube, but it wasn't until 2020, when i started streaming on twitch, where i took up streaming as a dedicated side hobby. in late 2020 i earned my affiliate status, which i took advantage of in 2023 to host my first subathon aimed towards raising money for mental health research.

      i have always been an artist at heart. at least, that's what my family members often say when they tell me stories about my childhood. i grew up with a love for cartoons and animated digital media in general, and that love continues to this day. i started my digital art journey in 2012 alongside the creation of my first channel using microsoft paint and photoshop as my primary means of creation. in 2018, i began accepting paid commissions, first through the metaverse app, highrise, then externally through social media. to this day, i still accept paid commissions for custom digital art, and it is my basically my side hustle!

      throughout elementary school, i took piano, guitar, bass, and vocal lessons every week but then stopped around the start of middle school to self teach instead. throughout elementary school all the way up to my senior year of high school, i performed in my school's choir, and on certain years, i attended san diego master chorale's invitational honor choir. around 2016, i started writing my own songs, and around 2018 is when i started posting covers of songs on youtube. in 2020 i released my first single, arcade, and in 2021 i released my second single open letter to a friend. i have been continuing to write and produce music ever since.

      in terms of my more personal and professional history, i am currently studying for my bachelor's degree in kinesiology with a focus in exercise science. in 2022 i began working part time as an accessible media specialist. i have quite a bit of experience in event planning and managing small teams, and i enjoy being a leader in general. for the majority of my high school experience, i was captain of my school's colorguard team, which i attribute my love of performing arts to, and where i got most of my leadership experience. i was also a cast member in elan winterguard's 2024 team where we performed our production "SIX" in WGI/WGASC independent open class.

      if there's anything else you'd like to know about me, i am quite an open book! feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

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